The 4th Palestinian International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (PICCIT 2015) is a forum for scientists, engineers, experts, entrepreneurs, researchers, and students from various sectors to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, experiences and applications in all areas of computer science, computer engineering and information technology through a peer- reviewed process.
The applications of advanced information technology, computer science and computer engineering are very much related to the themes of PICCIT 2015.
The conference includes keynote speaches, oral presentations, student research, workshops, panels and tutorials. To facilitate international and regional participation, some sessions may be conducted through videoconferencing.
The conference will last for two days on October 7-8, 2015 at the Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU) campus in Hebron city, Palestine. The PPU has previously organized and ran several initiatives tackling both computer and information technology issues. PPU has organized the first, second, and the third PICCIT.
Extended versions of best papers will be considered for publication by JATIT which is widely distributed and indexed journal.