Original Papers can be submitted using this link.
- Research papers: a full paper describing their work, maximum of 6 single-spaced pages including illustrations and results. The first page should include the title; the name of the author(s) and their affiliations; the abstract; and key words. IEEE paper format will be used.
- Short Papers: research and master degree students are encouraged to participate in the conference by submitting short papers with a maximum of 2 single-spaced pages including illustrations and core research ideas.
- A final preparation format and template is available at the conference website at http://piccit.ppu.edu.
- Template: Please use this IEEE template.docx in writting your paper .
Conference Fees:
- Regular Author $ 200
- Student Author $ 50
Evaluation Process:
All submitted papers will go through a double-blind reviewing process. Each paper will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. The evaluation is based on technical merits, soundness of results, clarity of presentation, and the importance and usefulness of the research topic. Before final acceptance, all reviewers’ comments will be considered. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Selected best papers will be submitted to JATIT which is widely distributed and indexed journal for free publication.